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Final Programme 


Download the Book of Abstracts here



- Day 1 -


Location: Hof van Liere, Elsschotzaal


9:30-10:00 Registration + coffee



Introduction: E-Cognition and Pretense Practices



Word of welcome by Erik Myin

From basic to content-involving cognition



Introduction by Zuzanna Rucińska

The benefits and challenges of the enactive-ecological theory of pretense


Official opening of the conference



10 min break



Session I. Pretense - Early Developmental Perspectives



Keynote: Vasu Reddy

Teasing, pretending and deceiving: origins in infancy


5 min pause



Julia Wolf

Pretence and early belief understanding



12:45-13:45 Lunch break



Session II. Content, Representations and Enactive Cognitive Science



Keynote: Martin Weichold

Embodied pretense:

Rethinking the mechanisms of pretend play by synthesizing enactivist cognitive science and practice theory


5 min pause



Marco Faccin

Can radically enactive imagination be contentless?



15:20-15:45 Coffee break




James Grayot

Imagination, decision-making, and the anti-representationalist agenda


5 min pause


Session III. Pretend Play and Embodied Sense-Making Activities




Keynote: Thalia Goldstein

Embodiment in Dramatic Play and Social Cognition


End: 17:30




19:30 Conference Dinner @ 'ViaVia'




- Day 2 -


Location: Main City Campus, room S.R. 219


Session IV. Creativity, Fiction and Imagination in Action



Keynotes: Arkadiusz Gut & Monika Chylińska

Would 'anything go' in pretense? On exploratory and evaluative

actions of pretending children


5 min pause



Abootaleb Safdari Sharabiani

Genuine empathy with inanimate objects



10:50-11:15 Coffee break



Session V. Situated Cognition and Play Environments



Daan Dronkers

Pretend play in digital mathematics education


5 min pause



Pankaj Singh

Affording pretend play: A situative analysis from the perspective of problem solving



12:30-13:30 lunch break



Session VI. Round table discussion




Interactive round-table discussion on how to turn E-Cognition theories about pretense, imagination and creativity into testable hypotheses. With examples from psychology labs on how to set up pretend play experiments, and from systemic practice on the use of pretend play in therapy. Followed by a discussion on whether E-Cognition can successfully explain findings, and guide new empirical research, on pretend play.


The discussion panel will involve short commentaries from all invited guest speakers, followed by an open discussion.


Guest commentators on pretend play in therapy:

Ellen Reijmers & Thomas Fondelli, Interactie Academie (BE)



15:00-15:25 coffee break



Session VII. Symbols, Metaphors and Ecological Psychology



Camila Suárez Acevedo

Why we start symbolizing in play? – an ecological approach to emotion and pretend play


5 min pause



Keynote: Agnes Szokolszky

Development of metaphorical thinking and participatory skills via pretend play




Concluding remarks



End: 17:15




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